Do you love a good beauty blog? Me, too. But, sometimes beauty talk all sounds the same. You know, the latest tools, the hottest trends, the myths debunked.
While that’s typically all good info, I thought I’d step out of the box for a moment and share something with you that's made an incredible difference on my journey to a more youthful and vibrant life, and frankly, something that's not really talked about in connection with being beautiful. It's all about shifting your mindset and embracing a few key principles that can make a huge difference in how you feel and look.
Be A Survivor, Not A Victim
When I was thirty, my husband left me. My life was turned upside down and my heart was broken. For years, I blamed him for everything wrong in my life, especially because nothing seemed to get better. One day, feeling utterly lost and depressed, it hit me—I was stuck in a victim mindset, and it was dragging me down. I realized that to be happy, I had to let go of this mentality and become a survivor instead.
Making this shift changed everything. I felt gratitude, hope, and joy seep back into my life, and you know what? It showed in my face. My features began to look softer and those hard edges were disappearing.
Seeing yourself as a survivor brings out an inner resilience that shines through. Your posture gets better, stress lines fade, and your eyes sparkle with new life. Taking charge of your story gives you a sense of empowerment that impacts not just how others see you but, more importantly, how you see yourself.
Embrace Humility
And then, an interesting thing happened when I started seeing myself as a survivor—I learned how to embrace my flaws and celebrate my strengths, which made me comfortable in my own skin. I learned how to practice humility. Through embracing humility, I experienced peace and contentment, which felt incredibly rejuvenating.
Humility is about recognizing your limits and appreciating others' strengths. It means listening more, speaking less, and showing gratitude for life's simple pleasures. This attitude reduces stress and fosters positive interactions, which can have remarkable effects on your appearance. Staying curious and open to learning keeps your mind sharp and engaged, which is essential for a youthful spirit. I still struggle with practicing humility at times, but I try to embrace it every day as a way of life.
Forgive and Let Go
Forgiveness has been one of the most challenging but rewarding lessons in my 60+ years. After my divorce, it felt impossible to forgive. My heart used to be like a prison, holding onto anger and resentment toward those who had so badly hurt me. This negativity manifested in my physical appearance—frown lines, forehead creases, and tired skin.
I didn't like the person I was seeing in the mirror so I started down that path of working on forgiveness, as difficult as it was. I realized true forgiveness isn't about condoning wrongs but about releasing your grip on the negative emotions that keep you trapped and unable to move forward. When you forgive, you unburden yourself from bitterness and anger, promoting inner peace that radiates outwardly, softening your face and relaxing your features.
Forgiveness also strengthens relationships, leading to positive interactions and a supportive social network, which greatly contributes to overall well-being and longevity. The joy of meaningful connections can be more effective than any anti-aging product out there.
I think using beauty products that work is essential to looking beautiful, but there’s only so much you can do on the outside. Being “beautiful on the inside” is not just a platitude, it’s a real thing that offers real results. And, humility, forgiveness, and a survivor’s mentality are 3 of the best beauty tools one can use. I encourage you to give it a try if you aren’t already!